How my Life Got Shattered By My Childhood Friend.


I have known Sam since we were kids. We attended the same church and we were in the same Sunday School. Sam and I lived 5km apart in the same area, but after some years we got separated, my parents left our old neighborhood.


The world is a small place indeed. Unfortunately as fate wants it, we met later on in life, got fond of each other, started talking as friends and eventually grew into something different, we became lovers. The whole thing happened quickly, but I guessed it’s because we knew each other already. I had no hindrance, but my only worry was having a child outside the relationship and him having none. It seemed he didn’t really care about that, but I loved my daughter so very much and it saddens my heart that up to now I still have not found what I'm looking for in a relationship. Subsequently, I want a lifetime partner who is going to love my child as much as he loves me and take her as she is of his own sperm.


I feel resentment every time I come with my daughter to see him or when he visits me. We never talk about my daughter and it breaks my heart because for the longest time I wished for them to get along but it seems like the impossible. I've tried bringing up the matter but he doesn't show interest. There's no quality time with her, just the usual me and him only

He's not working and has no future plans but it doesn't affect me that much. I chose to love him regardless of his situation. I've tried asking him of his future plans but what I get from him is that he intends to not look for a job anytime soon or anything of that matter.


I'm currently unemployed but I'm trying at my very  best level to find something to get by. Independence is my biggest goal in life. I want a better tomorrow for myself and my daughter. And Sam isn’t promising me any of those. I stayed with him regardless of these attitudes, but I got broken and destroyed on the very day I knew Sam was seeing other women aside me. My life shattered completely, not knowing he had many concubines and had three children with two different women. I got to know I was just a victim of his despicable games and since then I haven’t been able to get back up from the dusty ground where Sam put me. I don’t know what to do anymore. This is how my childhood friend ruined my life.


Ps: This Is a fiction.

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