Sex isn't something you have for your desires or pleasure. There are many outcomes from having sex and you are bound to pay more wages when you tend to have unprotected sex, and one must be ready to dance to the music. Either you contract an STD or you get pregnancy as a result of your reckless act and you must be ready to accept the responsibilities that comes along with it but it isn't the case for this youngman. In his case, he started denying his responsibilities since day one and has left the girl stranded.
See screenshot of the chat below;
From a genuine point of view, men and women see sex very differently, a man might have urge to mate just for satisfaction but that isn't the case of a woman. A woman might engage in sex as a way of expressing love and trust to her partner. Some men then begin to birth the notion that all a woman has to offer is nothing but sex. Men who are always lustfully attracted to women that comes around them. They believe that sex is the only thing women have to offer men. but that is not the case, we shouldn't just have sex for fun but rather get ready to carry the weight that comes along on our shoulders.
Stay safe, your friendly writer.